
To: Vincent Boudreau, president of the City College of New York (CCNY) 

From: Alexander Estrella, first-year student 

Date: September 13, 2021 

Subject: In-person tours for new City College students 

The purpose of this memo is to propose that the City College of New York offers in-person tours for those students who have not been to the campus yet. This way each student will be familiar with the campus and everything it has to offer for every student. 


As the Fall semester has started, many students have chosen to go to either in-person or hybrid classes. These students may be transferred from other colleges, first-year students, or even sophomores who were not able to be on campus yet until this semester. I propose that the school may schedule several in-person tours for those students willing to attend at the time that works best for them. I would like to talk to you about this proposal on any occasion that you are available. 


Since Covid-19 affected our communities last year, CCNY has been forced to move into online-classes. As such, many sophomore students have not had the opportunity to visit the campus and get familiar with it. Not to mention that newly transferred and first-year students, who have just joined the City College community, have not been on campus either. It is true that as the school is starting its transition back to in-person classes, everyone can pick either in-person or hybrid classes and go to campus. But that does not change the fact that students do not feel familiar with the campus, and they have not gotten that smooth transition from high school to college.  

I believe that we can arrange one tour per day at a time where most first-year and sophomore students have no classes. It could be around noon, so students do not have to wake up early, but they also will not need to rush to get home. Moreover, student leaders from senior or even junior year can volunteer to lead these tours. The school could encourage the students to volunteer by providing them with community service hours or giving a small economic incentive. We would instruct them as to what information they should supply but they can also add details and experiences they think it is important for others to know about the school. At the end of these tours, tour leaders could share experiences and initiate conversations with new students. This would create new relationships and interactions between new and old students, making new students feel more family and secure at CCNY. Students from other years can also join us if they want to know more about their school. We would have an online link for students to RSVP and see what time works best for their schedule. 

By offering in-person tours for these students we will not only get new students to become familiar with their new campus, but we will introduce them deeper into the new community they will be part of, something that cannot be achieved through online tours. Moreover, it is well known that the City College building has been a representation of the historic purpose of the school to give equity and opportunity since 1847. If we want the students to understand this representation, we should give these tours lead by school leaders who feel passionate about our purpose.  


I appreciate your time reviewing my proposal and I would like to discuss further details about this proposition. Please email me to to arrange a meeting. We may discuss the schedule for the event, and we can look for volunteers to lead it.